Welcome to FULL ON ROBOT CHUBBY - a blog/vlog/site a long time in the making.  Somehow the lever for procrastination mode has been knocked into the 'Off' position, so let's roll with it...

I've been an avid collector since childhood - toys, stickers, cards, coins, pogs, tazos, even a very brief involvement with stamps - and was always convinced the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.  Having a couple of figures is cool, but having the entire line is amazing.

Unfortunately, back then I never managed to complete a collection of anything at all - sometimes coming close but always falling short, usually because of either an unsympathetic parent or waning enthusiasm and distraction by the next thing.  Now, however, with the winning combination of Ebay, disposable income, a spare room and an unusually understanding partner, those old dreams can be dusted off and completed at last!

My main interest these days is action figures from around my childhood years (80s/90s) - stuff I had, stuff I wanted and stuff I didn't know about but would definitely have wanted had I known about it! I'm also into anything that's a bit weird, so who know's what will show up on here?

To give you an idea of what you can expect to see if you stick around, here's a run down with some of the features I hope to include:

Figure Focus – An in-depth look at a single figure.

Series Spotlight – An overview of a whole toy line or range of figures.

Character Study – A look at a single character, portrayed across a number of different series.

Game Time – A review of a retro game.

Book Club – A review of a retro book.

Business Breakdown – A look into the history of a company who produced a classic toy line.

Collector Inspector – An interview with a fellow collector, with details of their collecting habits.

Retail Detail – A visit to a shop selling vintage toys and interview with the owner.

Please do help a brother out by following and subscribing on all of your favourite platforms - you can experience a ROBOT CHUBBY on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.